Once again I'm falling behind on blogging! These pictures are from Monday. And now it's Saturday night. Where did the week go? Oh yeah, it went to work and physical therapy for my stupid knee and going to the hospital because my boyfriend had to get his appendix out. (If you remember, my cousin had hers out not long ago and I was her hospital-buddy too. If you're having your appendix out let me know, I'm good at keeping people company! Or maybe I'm the cause...)
Oh, yeah, so, outfit. Not much to say about it except I like it. I have been wearing lots of light neutrals (nude, grey, white) and blue together lately. All my favorite work outfits right now fit that color scheme. I think I might need to branch out and get some skirts that are neither blue nor black, I don't seem to have any that are work-appropriate.
(P.S. I just realized I really am always falling behind, our two year blog-iversary was almost 2 weeks ago! I'm so proud of Sasha and myself for sticking with this even though we are so far form each other now. I can't believe 2 years ago we were about to start our last year of college and now we are both "adults" with jobs and everything. Time flies!)