Sunday, July 18, 2010

catching up

Good morning! I have quite a few pictures to share:-) I haven't been posting for the past couple weeks because my old computer was having a fight with my camera. I am now blogging from a shiny, new, purple computer (thanks mom and dad!)

There are a few of the things I wore before 30 for 30

thanks for the dress, anna & thanks for the watering can, mom

a gift from Grampa from his Alaskan cruise

this outfit is almost guaranteed to be part of the 30 for 30

this will probably repeat too

Happy Sunday everyone! I am going to new member orientation at the Y (where I am going to do cycling, pilates, swimming and use the fancy ellipticals with personal TVs!) and then blueberry picking with two of my dear friends:-)

1 comment:

  1. you are so cute! i'm so happy i kept that dress after i shrunk it, i knew it would be worn again!

    and yay new computer!
