Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hello, hello friends, I'm back! I've been back from Ghana for a couple of weeks now, but starting the last semester of college and a job search while attempting to transition back to New England winter ended up consuming my time. Worcester has been way too gray, slushy, and cold to make me feel like taking pictures and I have been hibernating in my warm apartment with a cozy sweatshirt frequently... However, I brought back a selection of beautiful Ghanaian fabric that should brighten any gray day!

A picture really doesn't do it justice, but isn't it just beautiful? All the patterns and colors and gold and details! I am so lucky that my mom is a great seamstress (somewhat secret talent) and will be able to help me turn the fabric into clothes for my family.

Here's what we wore on Friday, when it was probably the coldest day in all of January.

It's not too noticeable, but I got my hair cut on Friday. It had been almost a year since my last cut and I was really starting to notice a complete lack of shape and style in my hair. Fixed! Also, I bought a perfect pair of new skinny jeans for $20 yesterday!

Hope everyone had a delightful weekend and managed to stay warm. The worst of winter is now over! And with that, I can promise we will be blogging more:-)

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