Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend wear

I find that I put so much thought and effort into what I wear to work that on the weekend I just wear the same few things over and over again. And I wear the same pieces all weekend. Lately, my weekend pieces have been this skirt and top, plus floral maxi skirt, nude tank, jeans and as-of-yet-unblogged stripey tank.

Although, I must say that the minute I stepped outside I thought, "It's too hot for this shirt." And then I thought, "Oh, well, I'm wearing it anyway."

And then I answered a text and it was caught on camera and my hair looked nice! And this is what I look like about 40%-50% of the time anyway. Always on my iPhone.

Here's some skirt detail. It's pretty! My mom brought this home for me from the Gap one day. I love getting unexpected gifts. And expected ones. And sales at the Gap.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog!!! Check out mine and follow if you like!I'll follow yours back! Feel free to leave a comment as well! :D
