First, shoes: I strongly desire very tall riding boots. I lived with a girl who rode and had the most amazing tall boots that she wore to actually ride horses. I don't plan on riding horses, but I want want to look like I do. (And these flats are really cute.)

Dresses: I always want to buy more dresses, even though they are rarely appropriate for my life. Here are some dresses I covet, all of which very in their levels of inappropriateness. Most inappropriate, and my favorite, is the strapless black and white one. I also wish I could go to a dog show and wear that dog face print dress.

Outerwear: I LOVE OUTERWEAR. I grew up in South Florida, so before I moved to New England for college, I had 2 coats ever in my life. As a result, I'm now obsessed with outerwear of all kinds. I am having fever dreams about blazers right now, and this floral one is slowly killing me. The sweater is something I would wear everyday. And the cape? I would never wear it, I could not really afford it, but it is so gorgeous and Edwardian, I cannot resist it.