Tuesday, October 6, 2009

orange and blue and go dolphins!

Anna is from Florida and in consequently a Gators fan. She also has a wonderful mom who was disappointed to hear that she did not have Rosh Hashanah or Gator watching plans and offered to help her organize a football watching party. 
Sasha doesn't really care the slightest bit about football, but she loves any reason to celebrate and get dressed up and have fun with friends. 
Result: an orange and blue themed gator watching party.
blue moon with oranges in blue cups
cheese-its, carrots with hummus, blue corn chips and guacamole
lots of good friends!
orange and blue outfits
a decent TV

here's how it turned out:

lots and lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Aww this is cute.

    But damn you, Gators! Grr.

    *Prays for Bowden to finally retire already*
