THE WEATHER IS FINALLY NICE! It's literally amazing. Of course, I did just buy a blazer at Savers (for $7!) and desperately want to wear it, but can't really because it's too warm. But I wore it today anyway. Just for funsies and sweatiness. Paired it with my favorite ever bubble skirt from H&M and my dream gladiators, plus some sunnies to guard from the powerful (yay!) sunshine.
Anna, my delightful and same-named roommate, and I went to Old Navy and the Gap today in search of new jeans which we both really need. My only blue jeans have a huge rip in the knee, making them forbidden at work, and it's getting kind of difficult to go to without jeans at work.
Sadly, my body is oddly proportioned and none of the jeans I tried on looked good. All I want are some nice skinny jeans! Is that so much to ask? Apparently so. I'm going to try TJ Maxx and Marshalls next, and if I have no success there I will have to suck it up and pay full price for jeans at Urban Outfitters. Le Sigh.
(Other) Anna looked adorable in her brown flowy skirt from Salvation Army and navy v-neck shirt. Couldn't resist snapping a few shots of her being wind-blown and carefree!
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